STUDIO SCHELL: oRIgiNal art & grAphiCs ComMerciaL PhotOGraPhy
CLICK HERE for Hester’s original art and photography.
Enjoy these posters, programs and postcard mailers I’ve designed, produced and delivered to various arts and political organizations. When can we get started on your campaign?

DISTRIBUTION: College Campuses
CONCEPT: Early rock concert tour posters.
PURPOSE: Attract students to participate.
C. Studio Schell, 2019
So Grateful!
More portfolio following this lovely recommendation from David. Or scroll on down. Thank you for being here.
March 4, 2020
To whom it may concern,
It is my great pleasure to give a professional reference for Hester Schell and her skills and talents at arts marketing and communications. Hester volunteered with my organization, Clowns Without Borders, earlier this year in preparation for our annual Portland benefit show.
She seamlessly stepped in to the role of marketing our event on
several social media platforms as well as direct contact with local media – giving us broader exposure then in past years.
She executed every idea we gave her quickly and efficiently and then generated many of her own ideas and executed those. Her commitment to the arts and years of marketing and communications work was an invaluable asset to our organization resulting in record ticket sales.
I highly recommend Hester’s professional acumen and
am happy to give more information as requested.
David Lichtenstein
Clowns Without Borders USA
david at comedytricks dot com

C. Studio Schell, 2019

C. Studio Schell

DISTRIBUTION: public pick up points C. Studio Schell

C. Studio Schell


Portland, OR USA
hester dot schell at gmail dot com